Multicultural Educational
Programs, Inc.
Multicultural Educational
Programs, Inc.
Empowering underrepresented people to serve in non-profits
The Dr. Paula Mahone Visiting Doctors Program

A new program for MEP students wanting to go into medicine has opened. The program is named after the amazing Dr. Paula Mahone, The MEP former president and world famous Perinatal Specialist. The first student Nehemiah, (right in picture) is entering his third year of study, majoring in Biology at Grandview University in Des Moines, Iowa. Nehemiah has always dreamed of being a anesthesiologist. He visited Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN, May 2-4, 2018. He spent the morning shadowing Dr. Rodney Burt (left in Picture) a MEP sponsor and African American Anesthesiologist. Nehemiah is also a work-study student in the MEP office and put together an on line college visiting program for other students to access.
Congratulations Nehemiah!!!
Thank you sponsors: Dr. Janice Riley Burt (MEP Board member) and Dr. Rodney Burt & Co-Sponsors-Rev. Terrance and Mrs. Stefanie Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Somha Lovan and Minnie Mallard.

Nehemiah will be a intern for the Health Care Pass Camp Program at DMU with Dr. Richard Salas this summer for three weeks. In a partnership with Multicultural Educational Programs, he will be able to attend labs, provide direct support to and prepare to undergo other important interviews for entering medical school. This summer program internship is being sponsored by a grant from KEMIN Industries.
Nehemiah will also attend Kaplan University on line in the evenings during the month of June, to prepare for the MCAT. This opportunity is being sponsored by Dr. Rodney Burt & Dr. Janice Riley Burt, Nashville, TN.