Multicultural Educational
Programs, Inc.
Multicultural Educational
Programs, Inc.
Empowering underrepresented people to serve in non-profits
Spring into Summer
Join the MEP team, starting early May. MEP will kick off the new on line programming on the You Tube Channel! Visit Multicultural Educational Programs under the "big blue M". Programming will be designed for K-5th and middle school. Children and their families will be able to enjoy programming that meets their interests, right in their home. MEP will offer a kick off middle school program event on zoom for "pathways in engineering" for girls, with two female engineers from Maryaham Wahid, aerospace, Honeywell and Jerrilynn Kincade, bio medical the University of Arizona. This is a hands on building with basic electrical engineering kits by the Elenco company.
June we will host a second free zoom college & careers event with guest speaker, Donna Kristina Manley. Author, Resumes for Kids. Help you child learn how to build a resume with their achievement's and volunteer hours, then prepare to win college scholarships! Registration is free and can be completed on the contact us page. For more information please call-515-943-7075 and leave a message or by email at (A MEP team member will call you back). Stay Safe!